Tuesday, February 28, 2006

18th - third day of school !

well today was a full day of school. met a few new frens =) 1 isreali, 1 aussy, 1 aussy+dutch. so not too bad. going to an auction... yeah finally, a real life auction on friday after school. should be a nice exprience. just hope thats some stuff i can buy =) so tomorrow is a off-day for school. tonight is wow, wow , wow ! and probabaly about time i did my laundry >.< lol ! oh yeah. i finally got my 2 books. enjoy !

17th - the sceond day of school !

yah ! was a smaller classs now. better muhc better. :) so now, i am in the not happening clasees. tomorrow will be a full day at uni. oh well. and getting my internet in my room too. yah !! can finally start my business again ! GG ! enjoy ! saw more pretty girls lol !

Monday, February 27, 2006

16th - first day of school !

the class was so so huge ! probably like 60-75 ppl. so nothing much happened today. i'll move to the not happening classes. so instead of 2 full days, i get 2 half days and 1 full day of study per week. not too bad. well nothing exciting happened yet. hopefully things will get better. no late check in tonight. just hope no faulty too, then i'll be all set :) enjoy !

Saturday, February 25, 2006

15th - wow from 11pm - 6 am in the office ! yah !

yeah. took my cpu down to the office, installed wow ! and played from 11pm - 6 am, lol ! what a nice feeling. but went to supper @ 4 am. wah ! there was a party going on, so all the shops were packed. some more raining. and man, the girls were liek so so hot ! see also terberliak! lol ! crappy huh ! still adapting the idea of spending money on clubs to get girls ... is it a wise thing to do ? now its 4pm now. class is tomorrow, hope things get more exciting sooon...till next post...enjoy !

Friday, February 24, 2006

my fourteen post !

today is saturday. last night was crazy. remember the party thingy ? well it diodnt go well for me >.< one of them came back drunk. puked in one of the guest room while i was trying to troubleshoot "no power" problem. then moved them into another room. so our fren was taken into my room. left him in the bathroom to puke out all the bad stuff. and drank lotsa water :)
and i had a few more call last night. and was he took over the bed for the night. and me was on the couch , make shift bed. oh well. had a really cranky sleep. and to top things up. an early check in. 7am. another call >.< so settled that, went back to sleep. then woke up at 4pm until now. oh yeah. no one else is here. me + alicia the other receptionist manning the front desk today. and thats that la. so waiting for my cousin to come n bring over my hdd + w3 cd , crack etc.

my thirteen post !

i woke up at 11am today. went down to do some excort for the repairman. shortly, moved my com up to my room. then decided to mandi , play wiht my new HP. and watched some tv shows. then came down. and was told to get all dressed up to man the main desk. so now i am all dressed up manning the "front" desk. while waiting for a guest to check in @ 8pm, and 9pm. i really hope they are on time. cos i am getting real hungry. work o work ! anyays. went to my friends room earlier, bean. from my primary school. yeah. a really old friend of mine. we talked alot, amogst other things, wow and melbourne women. but sadly he is leaving back for penang next week. o well there goes another one. anyways, got a potential sleer for my books. half priced so that a good save of $$ :) so i dont know what i am gonna do this weekend. lol. like nothing muhc to do for now. enjoy !

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

my tweleth post !

orientation day ! yah ! woke up @ 9.15 after sleeping at 2am due to late guest check-in. reached there late. but still ... started with some lectures on what to expect out of this program this 1st year. then got into a grp of 5/6 ppl. didnt some sort fun+game segment. more liek tresure hunting withing the whole campus building. was nice. did that. and some recomendataion on extra revision/info books. well i only got 2 textbooks for this sem. 1 - entreperneurship and small business - a pacific rim perspective : schaper and volery wiley. 2 - essentials of marketing : summers J, gardiner M, lamb CW. anyone has these books ? its like a bomb over here. i am trying to get 2nd hands. and best of all. its like a PSDC revamp. the guys:girls - probably 6:1 >.< ish. kenalah lagi !! ish !! its liek 4pm now. probably i am gona sleep. gona try to get my books soon ! classes is in monday ! over n out !

my eleventh post !

a last, another day passed, another in melbourne. i spent the whole day working. form 11am - 6pm. work now ranges from dismantling cupboards, moving beds, fixing eletrical stuff and repairing doors. lol. i did all of those today. yeah. anyways got ym pay for the 2 weeks. aud 400.0 yah ! TY TY ! =) and got my AUS line too. and the new HP sony ericsson K750i black - 0403328656 ! i think. havent really use my line yet. u can sms or call if needed ! =) still dont have my com yet >.< so still "cacat" for a while b4 i can get my online nonsesne going. to all thats waiting for it. please be patient. i am working on getting it. so WOWers, i just reached lvl 40. got my kodo and trying out the stormstrike. very very fun. will reload after i get my com. my acc expired tomorrow. well tomorrow is orientation. hope all goes well ! :) enjoy !

Monday, February 20, 2006

my tenth post !

woke up at 830am, got ready and came to coburg! to play wow ! its no 3pm. need to head back to town by 5 pm.
enjoy !

Sunday, February 19, 2006

my ninth post !

well today i woke up to a fire alarm ! it sounded so soo loudly. and all of us evacuated to ground floor via stairs. lol. 9 floors. omg ! i didnt even know what to grab. lol. damn teruk la. ish. nm, at least i know now. i will put all the things i need in one bag. so when it happens again, i'll just take n run. haha. as it turned out, it was a false alarm :) so thank god. today i met another co-worker, he is liek the repairman. so i will be listening to him. today i fixed picture hooks lol. and he did the toilet locks. well. i spend almost 5 hrs working today. lol. at least take my mind of things. well a few mroe check in tonight, one at 1am >.< so a long night for me i guess. well, joseph coming over, we going for dinner. lol. hopefully some where yummy n cheap. hahah. till tomorrow ! see ya !

Saturday, February 18, 2006

my eighth post !

today i woke up to a phone call wanting to know where was i. well i was obviously in my room. anyways, went up to coburg to my aunty place. to play some Wow , dota and some yummy food :) heheh, a pretty good day. well dont know what else to write for today. catch yall later. enjoy !

Friday, February 17, 2006

my seventh post !

today was a good day. started by meeting this new receptionist girl. lol. slowly starting la. she travel about 1hr to get the work. basically, everyone stays in the subburbs. went for lunch with my uncle. yum yum chinese food. but cannot fight malaysian food la >.<>.< might. dunno for sure yet. as for my friends.tonight they seem to be busy, ben is going drinking, joseph just got home, so tired, mr bean, well, maybe i'll call him. but bascially all of them are finishing up. and going back to MY by mid year. so will be me left . ah ! the irony. ! o well. time to look for that post box ! enjoy !

Thursday, February 16, 2006

my sixth post !

tried my online timetable thing. didnt go well. sent my email to RMIT. hope it get sorted out soon. not muhc happning nowdays. lol. kinda lost, hope all will go well after joseph comes la. :) hehe. today i'll be going to shop for washing detergent, envelopes + stamps. gonna start writting my letter back home. hehe. well still no com at home yet >.< that knida sucks. as i have nothing betetr to do. no friends, no wow, no com. bad bad bad. oh well. the cost of development ! :) hope to have more exciting news tomorrow. btw, a new hope is showing tonight on tv. lol. looking forward to that. enjoy !

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

my fifth post !

went to apply for my phone line today. SE K750i. awesome, cost me a deposti of aud 200.0 and a 39.00 monthly plan for 24 month. ah, yes attached my paypal to my bank acc. awaiting good news :) so guess thats that. now my MY line has no more credit. so no more SMS to her or anyone else. will be using my AUS line by tuesday. hehe. be prepared!i kinda got my 1st run of work yesterday night when i took the office phone back. had a few calls for bookinf and enquiries. so thats a good start. tonight i be heading over the to local MTG shop. wanna sell a few cards. low on $$. lol. hope i do well. :) enjoy !

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

my fourth post !

yo ! today i finally got my bank acc. awesome. its the national bank of AUS. deposited AUD 200.00 -) planing to jump to a better one after i get more info. awating joseph to get back so i can buy my com. haha ! later i gona get my work training. so looking forward to work ! yes, i am looking forward ! its really a dead town, melbourne, short of drinking n womanizin .. hope i dont get too unshy there, hahaha ! who knows what will happen :) changes o changes, for good or for worst. anyways. i dont know what to write more. the homesick is slowly creeping to me !! better get more things to do !! argh ! aight ! enjoy !

my third post !

went for registeration today. saw many many international students. lol. signed up for my course. need to register for classes online. so many thigns to be done. next orientation is feb 23rd. then acctual classes starts on feb 27th. till then.. work i guess LOL. probably getitng my bank acc tomorrow. well, as my fren said. melbourne is crappy compared to PG at night. LOL. no joke. its only strippers / beers / gambling / etc. and NOTHING ELSE after 10 pm. and for one that dont do none of those, kinda need much time to adjust in. anyways at a cyber cafe now. got like 30mins more to kill. wow servers down >.< happy valentines day to all i guess ! haha ! esp my "cousin" ! till my next online chance. enjoy ! oh eyah. my pay is aud 200.0 per week. 8pm-8am daily standby ! lol ! thats whacked !

Sunday, February 12, 2006

my second post !

well i started my job yesterday i think lol. the main huge glass door broke. so we had to clean it up. after that we went for a beer + pizza. so its awesome. probably be handling that too later. :) still havent gotten my bank acc / phone line yet. so any recomendations. pls feel free. tomorrow is oirentation, gonna be a tough one lol. been 4 years since my last orieatation. going for ribs tonight. hehehe. also today, an old friend of mine said, that i was realy lansi back in the days of MTG in novelhut. i told her i didnt realised it. so now, to all that felt that way, i am truly sorry ! and ...... enjoy !!

my first post from AUS !

hello all. nice to see you again. well as some of you know, i left penang @ 08.00 saturday. then reached KL at 09.00, then followed on to AUS and reached @ 10.00 pm AUSY time. the first night was ok. my dad's friend's son fetched me and got my burger king ( hungry jacks). yeap, my first meal in AUS was burger king ! lol !i be staying alone in one the place i work at. so should be cool. my apartment is a sweet place for 1. yeah. its like a small hotel room. with the stove, microwave, tv , fridge. it even has heating lights. for those really really cold nights lol.awesome place for one ! yeah. today, i woke up @ 10.00 am. felt weird. since i am still adapting tot he aus timing. went to meet my cousins. met ben the RAT tooo . hahah. then grab a bite to eat and wind up here, now blogging, from my aunties house. waiting for dinner, my bro cokming tonight too. anyways. tomorrow i'll start my 1st day at work. as an apartment caretaker , or something like it. going to apply for my phone line , but a come ASAP. =) thats tomorrows new, if i get to re-blog. lol. anwyays. the flight was awesome. sat to a pretty girl from china probably. but didnt say much. shy ol me. >.< the weather / air / water is all bonkers. my body is kinda giving some weird feeling. been feeling sickish since this morning. hope all goes well. :) yah ! and NO. not coming back until my 10 months are up
hahahahaha ! enjoy !

Thursday, February 09, 2006

02 ! my last thursday !

well today i finally went to to clear my credit card bill. yes i am finally debtless to the MNC =) then shiped out my finaly transformers deal. and the last hike wiht my cousin. oh yeah i got her home address..so snail mail here i come...today i also found out some news... she said that her mom explained her that we aren't blood related.. hhmm.. i was like.. oh, ok. then she explain the actual story to me. so i think this is a good thing... anyways, leaving for melbourne in liek 40 hrs. playing dota now. while doing bloggin. the monitor + speakers is going soon also. the final dinner , friday night, 9 pm - SEAGATE ikan bakar ! be there or be square !! haha but dont worry. last breaksfast is on saturday 6 am , destination unknown. =) enjoy !!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

03 ! my last wednesday !

well its a pretty slow day today. tonight might be the night i sell my COM... soon. so i guess, no internet for me soon. until..... 2 weeks or 4 weeks? lol.you can stil SMS ONLY me in AUS - 016 491 6644. will be keeping that line with me until i come back. if you wanna call , CALL my AUS line ! or snail mail me ! more to come ! enjoy !

04 ! the last tuesday !

today was a good day. started out wiht a lunch with an old factory friend. went for eden. yumm yumm. grabbed my ticket 11h feb 8am ! then came home, went to the lawyers office with my mom and dad. lol. not telling what happen. wasnt exciting there. then got back. found out that i needed a new com for AUS. so went on a com hunting spree. after long and tall discussion with a few pro;s. finally decided to buy my com there. yay ! then went out with my cousin for dinner . lok lok ala pulau tikus market. had my 1st pig liver in 3 or 4 years ! YUCK ! she took half ! but i nearly vomited >.< she gave me a parker pen as a parting gift and a good luck charm ! and now trying to close the deal on my old com and some mtg cards. so guy, its set, the last meal in malaysia. 6am somewhere near the airport, 11th feb ! RSVP soon ! be there or be square for the next 9 months. ! yah ! lol ! enjoy !

05 ! the last monday !

today was ok ! had a little arguement with my dad. but it was totally my fault. i apologized, and everyhtings ok. lol. tomorrow will be a better day. enjoy !

Sunday, February 05, 2006

06 ! the last sunday !

well today started pretty well. went to church and came back, had my brunch and played wow. sleep for an hour or so. but it ended up me having an arguement wiht my father. so it was all cos i have chosen a few wrong words. i will never know how he feels. but i am truly sorry ! time for dinner soon. ad i think i am goin sick.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

07 !

well, my parent came back today. so i got my golden cross. yeah ! now need to worry bout my money and start packing. and i am all set to go. FEB 11th morning ! by tomorrow i'll get the exact time. probably have a 10 course dinner / bbq thing. undecided ! suggestions ? hehe !
:) enjoy !

Friday, February 03, 2006

08 !

the flight is confirmed on 11th FEB morningish ! thank you for everything !!! its been a good run !!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

07 !

yes ! my visa has been approved ! today ! flight is on FEB 9th ! to confrm that, and i am all set to go. now comes the hard part, packing and parting ! >.< life must go on ! GG ! oh yea, went out with my cousin today. met her friend julie, a beauty shop owner. was an awesome day ! enjoy ! yosh !