Tuesday... WoW servers are down..doing some living

So the servers are down, today is the day when most wow players come out of their house's and live life. I guess i am included in that group too eh.
work on monday n today was ok. normal shift now. i get the weekends off, but 9+ hrs work days. not too bad la.
sunday was bad for me.....woke up with the hang over form SAT night. then went to play PTQKL. not only i did badly, all the rares i got were next to worthless. but sasi did well, so kira ok la :) of cos met up with the old gang la. great times flashed back in my head..get to re-live my glory days lol, by telling some of the new players..hahah.
Pretty much nothing fun had happen since the big drinking party on sat night. LOL.
to all who came, hope you enjoyed as much as i did.
to all who helped, thank you very much.
to sasi , the food was AWESOME ! thanks for taking the time to chill here.
to those who didnt know, i didnt know too =)
the lunch on sat was with ZOE-T, nice to get meet you :) dont mind me la, always shy with the ladies.. LOL. maybe i'll drop by ur blog too.
so gonna sleep now. waking up at 6.30

Hey, nice to meet you too.
Eh, I forgot to get your autograph.
Can sign and pass it to me next time you visit? :D
i also want autograph
Yahh TRIM..maa kasih....
sekarang acaraq 1 on 1 ngan Datuk M..bagaimana prasaan anda pabila di minta Autokrap.. !!!! i pun nak satu..pls pls Datuk..
work ends at 5.30pm tomorrow. thats when life begins :)
see you all on the other side..
*to those who didn't know, I didn't know too*
Moggie buying insurance ni! TMassurance la kira...
kekekek.. with all the nonsense i've seen the TM customers been put thru, a little insurance is always GOOD. :)
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