the day Morgan got his heart broken..

i wasnt very good at dealing with stress, probably being the 1st time in my life where i felt that bad. so one of my fren told me..
the best way to deal with stress was to deal with the source.
so after like a few weeks of thinking thoroughly, i decided to sms her.. for those who dont know.,Magd la.
this is what i sent yesterday at about 7pm.
there is something i wanted to tell you for a long time. i been secretly in love with you.
after that i been wreck waiting for her reply. i was expecting a bad news reply. as like how all the previous confession ended up.
at about 10pm sasi was down in penang. we went for a few beers. i was pretty drunk. i was thinking that being drunk would help easy the pain of heartbreak. waiting and waiting.
thats was like everyother night when i get really work up or excited about something. the anticipation just keeps on waking me up.
at about 7am i wowed. till about 2.30pm. till then no reply. it was just killing me. went for a late lunch. played some wow.
at about 8pm today....
it finally came..the reply i been waiting for.. 1 came , then 2, then 3 then 5 came.
in this order. i am still trying to figure out which was first and whats she saying...
A - I dont want to have a serious relationship for a moment. Actually u ar a nice guy. I hope that U
B - Continue as my friend. and i need to study than plan to go arab, jeddah. I hope U T
C - U understand what i said. dont want to hurt u more. sorry. reply u late. i dont know
D - What u said and some times to think. that all. i hope i day u will fine someone suitable
E - For u. i hope we are still cousin. i am not reject u.
i dont really know which goes in which order. maybe you can arrange it better.
so now i dont really know what to think. but i think she wants me to stay frens/cousin with her..
i hadnt reply her yet.. what should i say.
if you knows something i dont, pls help me out.
broken hearted morgan.
PS.- ** this is by far the most words she has ever written to reply to an sms i sent her. in history **