the day Morgan got his heart broken..

i wasnt very good at dealing with stress, probably being the 1st time in my life where i felt that bad. so one of my fren told me..
the best way to deal with stress was to deal with the source.
so after like a few weeks of thinking thoroughly, i decided to sms her.. for those who dont know.,Magd la.
this is what i sent yesterday at about 7pm.
there is something i wanted to tell you for a long time. i been secretly in love with you.
after that i been wreck waiting for her reply. i was expecting a bad news reply. as like how all the previous confession ended up.
at about 10pm sasi was down in penang. we went for a few beers. i was pretty drunk. i was thinking that being drunk would help easy the pain of heartbreak. waiting and waiting.
thats was like everyother night when i get really work up or excited about something. the anticipation just keeps on waking me up.
at about 7am i wowed. till about 2.30pm. till then no reply. it was just killing me. went for a late lunch. played some wow.
at about 8pm today....
it finally came..the reply i been waiting for.. 1 came , then 2, then 3 then 5 came.
in this order. i am still trying to figure out which was first and whats she saying...
A - I dont want to have a serious relationship for a moment. Actually u ar a nice guy. I hope that U
B - Continue as my friend. and i need to study than plan to go arab, jeddah. I hope U T
C - U understand what i said. dont want to hurt u more. sorry. reply u late. i dont know
D - What u said and some times to think. that all. i hope i day u will fine someone suitable
E - For u. i hope we are still cousin. i am not reject u.
i dont really know which goes in which order. maybe you can arrange it better.
so now i dont really know what to think. but i think she wants me to stay frens/cousin with her..
i hadnt reply her yet.. what should i say.
if you knows something i dont, pls help me out.
broken hearted morgan.
PS.- ** this is by far the most words she has ever written to reply to an sms i sent her. in history **
19 months of blogging...still same topic. balik la.
ish, hello.
all title different wan ok ><
u la balik !!!
grats you finally overcome your problem ~
perlin says... girls alwys say that first. they also need to think.
if she likes you..maybe after some time ... dunno.
imo: you must kno what you want...
a good friend once told me:)
zomg...y u are in the same situation with me???
why are the world and god treat us like that?
the 1 u liked likes other...
nvm mogg u still got us!!!
she was what i wanted.
she compliments me.
she completes me.
she is what i am not.
she makes me feel on top of the world.
she makes me do things i never do.
as your future wife i think you should STOP going after girls who are:
1. leaving the fking country.
also, pls dun take ur own sweet time bcos once u sampai the category of friends, u are stuck there. FOREVER.
mayb still got chance la, but dun go bugging her like mad now
Do u notice u got pattern one? all the ones u like will say:
i like u as a friend
i m leaving the ctry
U also tend put those girls on a pedestle then when they reject u u start to feel like crap - note to you: they are just girls la....
u also like to wait for weeks/years/centuries
1st advise, Get Ah ma to help out.
2nd advise, Don't go back to Aust. Go to Arab. SURE DAPAT!!!!
Sorry for the late reply, was very busy with my HK Cust.
Oh totally support Anonymus :P hehehe u only can go so far with her. now that its overcomed might as well scout out for new ones....hhahaha lease now the blog sure different more same or will it be?
OK moggie,
Move on. Learn form this experience.
Sorry for the late reply mate. :(
Its ok man - they like that 1 - we love them they kinda dont know / dont care (imo)
besides, you`ve got wht it takes to get another girl :)
Just bukak your sosial circle mate :)
sometimes we got to jump in b4 we are ready.
oh no!! my heart bleeds for this point in her life,
guess she is not ready for any relationship (if she is sincere in what she is trying to tell you). nothing personal to you. if you can muster the guts, maybe you can sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk with her. not to push yourself on her but just to understand how she feels and what she wants from life. are you ready for a relationship at this point in your life?? just because other people have their special friends, you don't have to follow them. take it have your whole life ahead of you. if its meant to will be. if it isn't her..let it be. que sera goes on. cry your heart out but move on. there's always someone out there for you.
lama sudah u tunggu, my friend. looks like its not meant to be la, with her leaving the country. not gonna repeat wat i've said to u in msn..but i'm sure u alrdy know wat to do.
OMG...I know this is a little late. But I just started reading your blog.
You have balls.
Well, at least you know right rather than not knowing.
Life moves on....find another one.
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