SOC High Warlord Morgan Marshal Always Late Ramanchandram Pang Pui Ki King Kong Kiong Kan Good Game
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
High Warlord Dahsyat

special thanks to -
1. joseph
2. sean
3. vince
4. cikgu
5. teamCB
6. Banana Gang
and of cos GOD.
without you guys i wouldnt have made it ! i owe you tonnes :)
kudos n grats !
next goal. now i will concentrate on my studies. target is to get merit for all 4 subject !
and thanks once more !
Monday, September 25, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
the next day..
have you ever get the feeling that you dont belong where you are ?
weird feeling huh..
also, it seem that my universities fee's arent paid yet
i might face deportation
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
excitements ownz self doubt...
looks like this is the final week of my HWL dream. it started about 5 months ago, and BAMM ! its the final week now. the server is still down. tomorrow morning 5am will be my final grind week. the sheer excitement of the idea of getting HWL the next server down..its has overshadowed the self doubt. and of cos maybe that i got 6/10 for the presenation today, and complete my assignment 1 day b4 due date :) i am proud of myself. acctually hitting my short term goals for melbroune and also improving on the studdy side of things.
on another note, i will be going back to malaysia post BC. nov 18/19. depends on when i get the flgith back. today i told my boss that i will be "quitting" my job by then. i think thats the only way i can go home for the holidays. many of you probably wont agree wiht me. you would think why dont i spend my holidays here and make tonnes of $. well i feel that spending time at home with my frens n family is worth waaaaaay more then the money i can make here in 3 months time. and also my dad will be scheduled for the by-pass, so i will be there for good or bad outcome. no amount of money is worth it if my dad doesnt make it thru and me being in melbroune.
so that about it from me now. nothing else really matters. in life its all bout the studies, the HWL, the friends and the family. the moneys is always there for you there to make. the quetsion is when n how much you want to make...thats all.
- nubz future HWL Dahsyat
self doubt.
i cant have that kicking in right now....
its going to be my last week for, wish me luck :)
Thursday, September 14, 2006
so so day.
i got my pay today, but its only for 2 weeks. they still owe me 1 week's pay. at least now i have some money to spend. :)
tomorrow the pvp raod will start at 4.30 am, thats going to be another challange :) o the price to pay for HWL :)
thats about it for now. with the last assigment due next week also.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
WArlord Dahsyat, Rank 13 - week 1(result)

this is the result after the 1st week of rank 13. now its the 2nd week. need another #1, then i'll be like 13.80/14.00.
still a long way to go :) 2 presentations and 1 assignment next week. so going to try my best to juggle all :) multitasking FTW. something i am not good at.
good luck to all and thank you to those who helped :)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
i dont believe it....

the week in a post.
well i still dont belive it, i got 16.5/20 for my accountings test. way better than i had expected. its a very good result i think :) so now for the final exams which is 80%. that will be on the end of octoboer i hope. will study hardcore after i hit HWL. thats the action plan.
well stil am not paid. this thursday will be 3 weeks. not going well for me int he financial dept. i already told my dad on my situation and the working conditions. me going back is not a very good idea, it seem. it would improper to have an employee who goes for a 3 month holiday. well i think thats a very good reason. so after thinking bout it, i think i'll reconsider remaining here after my finals are over. another part of my action plan for the year 2006 lol.
WOW, currently i am standing #2 for the week. the leader deerhead, is rumours to be banned. well i am not sure how long. but i hope its long enough just for me to get #1 this week. it will push me 35% more into rank 13. then i'll be at 13.50 mark this server down. also today, i got my 1st ever hate post in the Kil'Jaeden Realm Forums. lol. thats nice =) people acctually know me ! jaja.
" i R nub SHAMAN !!! pls tell all your alliance frens to kill me !! "
dont too bad this week. only a few more things to accomplish. then i can be all whoevers.
clerks 2 on tuesday night.
pst if interested.
GG, time to start on some assignments =)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Warlord Dahsyat

- Warlord Dahsyat (Rank 13) click for bigger pic.
reached rank 13 yesterday. with the help form joseph n sean. thank you guys. :) will be another 3 more week of grinding, then we will have High Warlord Dahsyat. hope you guys can keep on the help :) any of cos more help is still needed...
nothing much happen these few days. same o same o. still no pay :( getting poorer, and hungeier lol.
things are getting better i say. probably the 3rd quater curse has passes :) with 1 presentation, 1 assignment left b4 my mid semester break. looks like i am on track for my studies too. jst need to put extra effort on accountings. thats the major problem for me.
good night all.
penang FTW !
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
life is getting better
after doing some asking around, the answers i put for my accounting test wasnt that bad. so it seems i might get a 10/20 after all =) hahaha, good la.
then got 2 assingmetns due enxt week. this time i am going to start early. so wont kena last minute cases =) another good.
but i be broke atm, didnt get my pay for the pass 2 weeks =( one bad .
thats about it for tonight :)
have a great day.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
update from melbourne
dear all,
well 1 assignment down, whihc i dont think i'll get high marks. and 1 test also same case. i tell you, this accounting thing is hard. its as hard as add math was for me back in form 5. ish. well 1 presentaion and 1 assignment to go. these 2 is only theory. shouldnt be that difficult.
well as for wow, did 717k for the week. with 1.5 days left to server down, we are hoping to hit 1M. not out of reach now :) after rank 13, is 3 or 4 week to rank 14 =) then my journey will be over. after long last :) well for now, its grind grind grind :) i am for sure going for HWL now.
anyhow, they didnt get back to me on my job thingy, but i think i just be doing the night shift + 4 working hrs per week. its the fairest deal i can prove to them. or at least until they counter offer me.
as for the many people that never hear from me for the pass 2 months. i know i owe many ppl , its not that i have forgotten you. its just that i am busy doing stuff. and thinking on what to write. kinda stuck in a "De javu" lol. just making sure it doesnt repeat itself 100% the same as last time.
bottom line is... get my priorities straight =)
have a great day.
time to cook some, lol.