SOC High Warlord Morgan Marshal Always Late Ramanchandram Pang Pui Ki King Kong Kiong Kan Good Game
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
learning how to let go !

well how good are we at letting go ? at forgiving ? at forgetting ? i, myself have done my share of forgetting, forgiving and letting go. some on good terms and some bad. but here is the thing. why are something that we cant seem to let go ? we all have that "one" thing. is it worth it ? that last glipse of hope ? enjoy !
Monday, December 26, 2005
all sorts of humans on this earth !

today i went on a little mission, to catch a "friend" who is trying to dupe my magic:the gathering cards. sourced for a few extra man power who knows him well. didnt go well, as he turned off his HP + we didnt know exactly which house was he in. curses. gonna try again tomorrow. now time to WOW. hadn't been sleeping well nor WOW for this pass week. idk, maybe i am starting to crack. well many things going to happen this coming 4 weeks. big things. small things. many things. oh yeah. i am nearly bankrupt. so hope this month turnes out well =)
enjoy !
PS - nil
Saturday, December 24, 2005
the truth was there !

well today i woke up at about 8am. after the BBQ last night. so woke up, was suppose to meet my cousin at church. took my bath and left. reached at about 8.50am. so went in mass, sat next to her. chit chating. she came directly after her night shift at the hospital. still looking nice and all. made plans for another "date". anyways. today i confirmed she got a bf. that the new news. so now, with the AUS thing coming up. i will play it from the friend angle. nothing else i can do really. dont wanna screw it up just yet. just hope the 5 years will do me good =) haha. on another note. more food today. probably luncheon at sasi's house. the COOK man. and as planed, KFC for dinner thanks to my grandma. yah !! yum yum !! need to go clean the BBQ pit and the house now. hope to finish the chivas from last night.
Friday, December 23, 2005
happy birthday + merry christmas + happy new year !

so the end is finally here ! awesome isnt it. what 2006 gona hold for you ? well its realyl upto you. no one else can decide for you. so just make the best one. like dat la.
yeah, i know 2 people whose birthdays are on christmas day and new years days respectiuvely.
happy birthdays to leong sweet lee and magdelene teoh ! although i was unable to attend your dinner's, we can still work something out before i leave to AUS. -) be good ! muaks !
enjoy !
P.S - RSVP for the BBQ + dinner thingy is 3pm today. also a fee of rm 15.00 will be imposed for rental of the BBQ pit and the lawn of my grandma's house. so pls take into consideration before you commit =)
Thursday, December 22, 2005
happy holidays = merry christmas + happy new year !
well i am having a xmas BBQ thing on 24th dec night. chicken, pork hot dogs, lamb, burgers + pizza. all are invited ! please send tell before you come - 016 491 6644 ! and a KFC dinner with my grandma on 25th dec evening. also, all invited, PST also ! so today was another day. went to repair my friends com, but it turned out that his HDD died. so no good i done. well he got the replacement, and is now repairing it himself. pwn some DOTA players. felt good after 2 days of not playing. oh oh. ate some nice hokkien + lor mee near SG2. awesome food. and CHEAP ! well didnt do muhc in WOW land. my internet connection sucked a$$ and got DCed very often due to bad bad lag. still liking my cousin more then the other 2 girls. no change there. she called me yesterday and gave me her MSN + email addy. lols. why? i do not know. hope good things happen on that =) enjoy !
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
girls girls girls !
well i finally got exalted in ALTERAC VALLEY. got my "the unstopable force" and time to whoop some ally ass. =) on another note. girls. why do i seem to like the wrong ones ? lols. either impossible to court or not way to >.< so 1 - my "cousin" , 2 - an old friend , 3 - a new friend . thats that for now LOLs. enjoy. i feeel my posts are getting boring. o well. probably loosing it cause that i might head over to AUS before the planed time. sad sad yes. :(
Sunday, December 18, 2005
not going as pre planed !
ah! well we are not perfect. these days i been making bad decession calls in my trading. hence i am kinda low on $$. another tough month ahead. and my com is recovering, takes more effort then i thought. haven't been wowing for 5 days now. not good, not good at all ! >.<
well i guess that all for now !
Friday, December 16, 2005
the HOUSE knows !
well i personally think the HOUSE knows about my leaving to AUS. so now its giving me the BAD respsonse. this morning i came into my room to discover that there is a puddle of water in the middle of it. that means the roof is leaking. next as you know, my com is not working. i now dont think its anything wrong with it. it think is the electricity now. i mean, when ever i turn on my com, my whole room flickers. i really am thinking, its out to get me >.< so today, more of repairing my dying com. haven't been wowing for the pas 3 days. i just hope the HOUSE will start to realise that my going is better path for my future. so thats that. oh yeah. i wont be going to for the girl's birthday party. dont have the $ nor the mindset atm.
enjoy !
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Uneasy Feelings !
well 3 days ago, a girl whom i really like (she didnt feel the same way for me) call me up and invited me to her birthday party in kl. reason being wanted to see me before i leave to after many Q+A with some close friends, i decided to go. but the transportation / lodging would be a big problem. well its best we have more friends then less. well they say keep an open mind. so thats that. one another note, my dad is gona go for an heart thingy. so hope all goes well in that sense. well that all for now.. and my com died on me !!!!! and so on and so forth.
enjoy !
Monday, December 12, 2005
morgan the MAAUSS !

well as you all know, I am going to AUS in FEB 9th. so may we all have a good 56days =)
MAAUSS - its a term for malaysian who studied in AUS. well that not it. the thing here is that, they come back here going around dressing, acting like they were acctually aussy kids. sometimes they just over do it. and its just get plain annoying. so according to myself. i'll probably end up like them.. a MAAUSS. but we'll see next year now, wont we ! =)
* ps - some of them female MAAUSS do look really hot !
Friday, December 09, 2005
Thursday, December 08, 2005
HUMAN EMOTIONS - flaws or perks ?

well today is about human emotions. once,long time ago, i started this blog as a thing to satisfy some frens. so i put in bare minimal effort. a title and a pic a day. soon, i realised its better with words and sentences. although, i still put a totaly unrelated title up. its suppose to make you think about it. after putting in sentences, it became more easier, eventually, i felt more comfaotable with bloging. kudos to those who acctually beleive bloging would do me good. it acctually did. blog is like now where i say the stuff i dont have the guts to say or dont feel its my place to say. i guess its my cowardly way for me to talk bad/good about people, but hey, at least it works. so human emotions. what do we do with these emotions ? i mean. can we really put it under control ? and one day it just bursts out and just take action with a clouded mind? (i am currently practicing this method) - buyers beware! or we should just say it outright even if it will screw you from behind or hurt the person receiving it ? and deal with it with a straight mind ? human emotions is the very essence of life. without it we are but corpses. i was kinda afraid of going to aussy next year. but alas nothing can be done. i am going. nows the time for me to step up and change my life. oh yeah ! i killed another snake today X. damn reptiles!
* my advertisement !!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
a day at home !

i was at home the whole day today. took the rare rain in the afternoon weather to sleep. felt way better after a few month of sleepless nights. troubles ? naw, fun. LOL. my break from WOW is almost over. back to WOW. enjoy !
* btw, the pics for the last 3 post were part of my mtg journey during 2001 ! =)
Sunday, December 04, 2005
over rated lifestyle - misunderstood by some! part2

well as I wrote in my previous post. many dont see what I do. well I dont know why did I write it in the first place. guess I am just filling the blog post. so anyways. what I do is online toy buying / selling. thats all. that where I get my money to live like that. oh yes, thats the secret. enjoy !
Thursday, December 01, 2005
over rated lifestyle - misunderstood by some!
my daily routine for the pass 2 years consist of :- eating, wowing , going out until 2 am, lepaking, playing more computer games, movies, designer ice cream, casual dates, travelling everywhere, gambling and shopping. the thing now is, I am unemployed. so i think many people dont see....more tomorrow.. very long story.