SOC High Warlord Morgan Marshal Always Late Ramanchandram Pang Pui Ki King Kong Kiong Kan Good Game
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
12 !

the day before the eve of Chinese New Year ! yosh ! been busy doing absolute nothing important !! next up, juru ! then back to clean my room. just removed my comics to storage in Sg. Ampat. will be moving all my collectables there before i leave. probably an all nighter ! so what up for this new year ? mine is being overshadowed by my trip to AUS. the third most important decession in my life. first would be the choosing of wife and the second, well, any other life changing experience i guess. still waiting for my ride to juru. my uncles is running late. any CNY shopping, well i got myself 3 t-shirts, lol, planing on getting a really nice black shirt and maybe get a gold cross from my mom for AUS. lol ! saving up on the AUS shopping this year. i still cant spell or type for nutz. i just dont knwo how i am gonan pull it off in aussyland. hahah ! GG guys ! enjoy !
Monday, January 23, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
23 !

been missing for the pass 3 days. no post. i am still getting use to blogging. today i saw in the papers, that bad things happen when you blog about work. but luckily i dont work haha. well a few of my close friend came back from melbourne. so now i am taking this time to Q&A them on my future stay there =) the do's and dont's. still havent done my medical check-up. tomorrow is the day. hope nothing is wrong with me >.< anyways, CNY is round the corner, the yearly 1 week of session is gonna start soon. but i am not sure whose is it gonan be this year lol. as another friend of mine has bought a new house. so maybe i'll let him host it =) haha. enjoy !
Saturday, January 14, 2006
27 !

- my 3 hour adventure in KL -
today i followed my bro back to KL. awesome part was he let me drive halfway there. awesome. i must say, i really suck at drving, lol. was sawying almost half the time. but did well in overtaking slower lorries =) reached KL at about 3pm. then i set off for my little toy hunting spree. droped by my friends new shop. bought something which was delayed for 1.5 years. yes after that long, i finally got it =) then the rain decided to join my trip. so didnt go anywhere else. got some burger king! yes ! yummy ! and took the 5.30pm bus home. lol. reached penang at about 11pm. one of my shortest KL 1 day trips ever. till tomorrow. enjoy !
Thursday, January 12, 2006
28 !
maybe i'll be going to KL on staurday morning. follow my bro back. thats that. for now. damn WOW keeps on DC me. ish. oh yeah, paid for the visa. now need to go for my medical check-up >.<
Monday, January 09, 2006
31 !

- the 3 kings -
thank for the birthday song man. and a happy birthday to blooming tree , ghoss and kevin bings ! a 3 in 1 birthday bash thingy. was fantastic. thanks once again. well another day has gone ? how was it ? mine was AWESOME !! went for a hike and had a superbly yummy dinner! whatmore can a man ask for =) enjoy !
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Friday, January 06, 2006
33 !
netcity 2 is back in action. with a promotional FREE of CHARGE gaming! bound to make some head turns. =) i be goign to KL tomorrow, to settle some a year plus business , yeah it has been that long. porbably returning the next day. famous for those 1 day road trips =) anyhows, going to play more WOW, didnt do much of player killing nor farming. the com is still lost at home. no sense of whats going to happen.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
34 !

well today my dad got his aegeogram. some kinda procedure to see how many blood line,vein blockages. he has 7 blockages which is bad cause the average person has about only 3. i left the hospital before the doctor came in. so hope all goes well for him. me on the other hand, recovered form my flu. left with a minor voiceless whatever. LOL. those who pray, pray for my dad, those who dont, do what you do =) thanks.