12 !

the day before the eve of Chinese New Year ! yosh ! been busy doing absolute nothing important !! next up, juru ! then back to clean my room. just removed my comics to storage in Sg. Ampat. will be moving all my collectables there before i leave. probably an all nighter ! so what up for this new year ? mine is being overshadowed by my trip to AUS. the third most important decession in my life. first would be the choosing of wife and the second, well, any other life changing experience i guess. still waiting for my ride to juru. my uncles is running late. any CNY shopping, well i got myself 3 t-shirts, lol, planing on getting a really nice black shirt and maybe get a gold cross from my mom for AUS. lol ! saving up on the AUS shopping this year. i still cant spell or type for nutz. i just dont knwo how i am gonan pull it off in aussyland. hahah ! GG guys ! enjoy !
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