KL trip 1
was half sick when we drove down to kl. flu, cough and minor fever. crappy state to in. i wouldnt recomended it to anyone. recovermg at the moment.
reached kl at about 6pm. my dad used the trunk roads. save on toll fee's. got here tooke my bath and medecine, had dinner and went to bed at 10pm. super early.
woke up next morning at 10 am. had 2 bread with butter and watched the 40 year old virgin. thats one funny show. lol. i hope i dont replicate it 100%. but who knows =)
then took a nap after lunch.. some random "chap fan". slept some. woke up to prepare for the meeting with the developers. as usual i ended up the last one into the car. my dad ran his mouth.
blah , blah , blah ......
entered in an arguement with my dad on the ride back after dinner. he keeps on talking down to me. i guess my history gives him the proof he needs. well, me being the usual morgan. started talking back after like 30mins. and eruptted into a fight. all on how easy my life is, how i dont help the family, how i waste my time doing "useless" things and what crappy friends i keep. i mean.. i do admit i did things to deserve those tags. but he keeps on bringing them back form the past. i just thought it wasnt fair to be re-judge on things i done in the past, so i started to run my mouth too.
blah, blah, blah .......
witness who were present were my brother and my mother. the fight ended in the change topic and a joke about balls =)
thats the hightlight for the day. missed a chacne to meet a few of my firends in kl. but nm, will come down again next week =)
1 trip down, 2 more to go ?
maybe more....
its 5am in the morning. and i couldnt sleep thinking about many things.