the sickish week so far.
the weekend was great...then came monday..
well it started on monday. with some minor sore throat n cough. now its like the nose also jammed up. throat just wont work. all the phlegms are hanging out there la. one big congregation. all working together to make my life in the air-con office a living hell. so now, anyone know any good cough / throat meds ? or should i just go visit the doctor ?
as for wow.. i finally manage to get 5/5 merciless armor. now for the 2x 1handers and 1x 2hander left. with season 3 in about 4 weeks. thats really tough >< but with season3, blizz did a small buff on ench shamans :) so its great news.
on toys. bought myself 2 x darth vader - death stars. highly recommended. by far the best transformers-star wars toy. i would say, the only one bought form this line. honestly, the others are just crap. if u see these guys, get them :) should be about rm 200-250 now..
didnt do any sales on ebay at all. as it goes, work just makes me dumb.
on the muruk / karut girls. well i think everything has settled down. everyone is now cooled down. so no more advances by any parties. maybe i missed my chance eh. o well. need to improve on my signal reading skills :) as my BM has improved by 6%. lol
work is good upto now :) hope it stays that way..

saya tidak akan maafkan hang!
too much aircond cannot. too much heat also cannot. u've been very week all these while eh? I kinda notice la...
Mogg: Its the woek la i tell you... dammit !!!
eh ! i been weak all this while wan ma LOL.
i never once claimed that i is strong !
work roxx !
will roxx even more real soon !
or suck really bad ...
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