its hard going out with someone who smish smashed ur heart, no ?
long time no see. lol. i am assuming i will be the only one reading this in a weeks time. been pretty busy with work, wow and friends. here is a recap..
lets start with work.

as u all know, i registered myself a company
not too long ago. for those who didnt know, well now u do ! its called
MORGAN VENTURES. currently still working on the name card...*sorry a Mel* =) so for may 2007 , i was running at a loss of RM 378.90. yeah pretty bad start eh. next is june 2007, also running at a loss, this time RM 245.67. yeah looking good a bit la. LOL. then july 2007 came. i was no longer running at a loss. hella nice ! i made a whole RM 15.78 nett. SWEEET ! so this month i hope i can make more :) eventually build up to a RM 1000.00 nett profit range. before next year :) $ KAH CHING $ !
next we have WOW.
well the guild we formed for Malaysian players, is going rather well. we did some really good work in Karazhan last week. Keep it up all ! GG, we will be in gruuls by sep !

as you heard one of my closer friends opened up

well today i went out with cousin lo. the one who rejected, turn my love down. as a sign of being a more mature and reasonable morgan, i no longer cut girls who rejected me out of my life. so she being amongst the 1st few for me to try out this new method of handling rejections. it was raining, got minimal rain on me. went to her house, parked my bike there. said hi to her mom. then we went out. it was like what we normally do lo. went for movie, makan some, then go jalan jalan. so its was ok la. then it came to me lo. even back then i was only doing this. didnt do anything more. no wonder la she didnt feel anything else more then friendship. so yeah. now i knew la. my way of taking a girl out is the ways of how we treat our normal friends. nothing more. but it was a really good outing la. i was trying to understand on how normal my ways were. oh not to mention... the title.. its hella hard !!!
yup. so...
anyone know whats a good type date for ur special fren, pls do teach me some :)
also anyone who knows how to do a proper cashflow, balance sheet, also help me ya.
date: listen alot, include at least 1 thoughtful surprise (you got to listen from previous talkings to do this right) listen, then her she's special to you...
eg flowrs etc...
lead,and let her inturrupt.
Did you make that logo??
Grats at the profit =P
Look at the bright side , atleast you got your answers rather than guessing it .
not hard leh. pump patrol and vroom vroom only. and careful to avoid innocent papaya trees as not to knock them down again. other than that...shud be ok la.
its sooo hard la imo.
or i just suck at it.
wtf cousin? but then again, incest is all good.
/thumbs up
Ehhh u tamo dengang la bro - -- ten"cent" la lu punyeh creteh ! :P
BUY THE "kongkek"ing T shirt and wear that @#$@%$#% JEANS..ISh ..
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