Monday, July 16, 2007

My 1cent worth about SOCs and DDRs.

Well as you all know, my name is Morgan. I am 26 this year and still staying with my dear grandmother in Pepper Estate, Penang. I am a very very big fan of the Transformers, ever since I could understand what they were. I also have like over 200 different type of toys. I cherish them very dearly. I also love to play WOW, Magic: The Gathering and whatever else I like to do, I do it.

Enough about me.. lets start with, WTF is this SOC / DDR nonsense I have put up today. As you may recall, about 3 months I go, I made a very serious post regarding how I would change my life for the better. So this post is the next real follow up.

Around me everyday, I see many friends of mine, going here, going there,some are blur as the water or some are sad. Sad about something or someone. Be it that girl who never calls back, or that dog who never fail to piss on my rims. or how I always get the crappy seat on the school bus. But the main/major/most/porpular cause of sadness amongst us the 80's teen is WORK.

Yeah, I said it. After like months of data gathering on the people around me. The most popular reason is WORK. This boss doing this to me, that supervisor always busts my chops, the work is so much for so little pay, the off days are so messed up, oh that dept. head likes to kepo and many many more.

So, what do we do about it ? here comes who does what.

First we have the SOCers', which is SUBMIT , OBEY and CONFORM. well these guys are the people who in the situation above.. They will just bear with it, deal with it, accept is as if its written in stone. As though nothing else can be done or as if its the only way. They just can bear feeling of doing something wrong, always wanting to be the good one.

Next we have the DDRers', which stands for DEFY, DENY and REBEL. I mean these guys will fight tooth and nail just to sneak out of the house to get a beer, to smoke that1 puff of smokes or even just not putting up the toilet cover. They cant stand the idea of being someone else's work dog. Cant bear the thought that why must this be done your way. They will challenge, dispute, disrupt and in some cases reinvent the laws of life. these people that see everything that happens be it good or bad as an opportunity to prove the world wrong. Take life by the horns as I heard somewhere.

So I do feel that life is more then just that 10A's in SPM, that degree you have so u can get a good job and wait for the time to retire. Its about the little things, the wrongs the if's and the occasional random playing in the heavy rain outside, the bruises from falling off your skates and the wet mud on your bum and my favourite; playing with transformers at 26.

so which are YOU ?


- I am Morgan , I am a switcher.


At 7:03 PM, Blogger Dan said... said you are a switcher. Switch from what to what?

At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a switcher too... depends on the situation:)

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Pongs said...

Well said.....
Just my 2cent
We need to know how SOC-er work before turning into a DDR-er. The good or bad of something depends on the eye of the beholder.

No Risk = No Gain


At 3:52 AM, Blogger ming said...

KNN you wrote the post! you did it first! you rule!

At 9:59 AM, Blogger Mogg said...

from SOC to DDR.

now trying to go back to SOC.


damn hard


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