Tuesday, February 27, 2007

the good or bad of life, what does it even matter ?

black or white ? good or evil ? right or wrong ? yin and yang ? yes or no ?
so what do those words mean to you ? are they the rule of law you chose to live by ? or are they just guidelines that you wish to follow every time you are at a point where you need to make a choice.

here's a scenario..

i have a friend. he says that we have no choice. choices are illusions made by powerful people in the world to fool you. so that we happily to do their bidding. so do you think its true, that we don't have choices in life ?

as for myself, many of you will know that i believe that we are the masters of our destiny. we live in a world of choices every single second. we are our choices. we are who we want to be, we are what we want to be, we are who we need to be. we are the masters of our universe.

time to go get my resume done up and send my defer application to RMIT for 1 year.


yours truly,
Morgan Ramanchandram.
28 feb 2007.

- The Day Morgan Grew Up.
- a morgan story (2007) preview.

PS - we do what we must !


At 11:14 PM, Blogger Sasi a.k.a Saz said...

if everyone choose to do what the want instead of what they need to do. It will be like a bush- youll grow everywhere- if ur lucky , no one will kacau- if not u KENA radun perosak= which is you since you choose your own destiny- Its ok to listen to elders once a while..

ok mat VVVrrroOOOOOMmmmmm

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Mogg said...

vrrooooooooooom vrrooooom !

At 4:22 AM, Blogger Dan said...

life kira macam gamble jugak-lah. red-black, even-odd, high-low. Run when u r ahead or the banker wins last.

tunggu mat. reset engine systems fault. ok.. VVVRRRRRRoooOOOOMMM


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