the grass is always greener on the otherside

1. might loose my job.
2. might fail my test on monday.
3. might not get general (Rank12)this week.
4. might need to look for a new place to stay.
5. might indirectly make some of my friends dislike what i am doing.
6. might be judged wrongly.
7. might make the wrong decission at this point of my life.
8. might regret tomorrow.
9. might step over the boundries we have.
10.might even change.
but there is always hope.....
"you gotta have a little faith"
bye bye Dahsyat. You real presence in WoW will be missed by your fellow comrades. Its always a good time to move forward. /Cheer
hmmm im confused , pst
whts happening mogg ???
not without a last ditch desperate effort man !!!
as they say.. final kopek !!!
well you did get 12:)
yeah hope is good!
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