its ANZAC day ! its a holiday in good ol' aussy !

ya. holiday ! woke up at about 9 am to play some wow. then at about 11am cooked myself 2 eggs and 3 toasts. yummy breaky ! now its 12.30, i am in the office chilling out. to find that only one other came to work. i guess the whole of aussy is on holiday too >.< so no banking for me today. oh yeah. class has started. tomorrow will be a full day. and really need to buck up our business group. this is the 6/20 one. much effort is needed. friday is another presentation for my team and i. this time its a marketting subject. below the line promotion vs. advertising. kinda difficult. juts hope i speak well and dont stutter =) so what been happening ? a co-workers showed me her tatoos last night. its was out of the blue. lol. and Wow beens good too. joseph is helping me level up my PvP ranking. expect to reach rank 7 today. so thats another 7 more to reach high warlord. once there, i'll probably quit Wow for real ! =) oh yeah my brother came by last saturday. sent me lotsa supplies lol. i gave him some transformers and AUD to take home. haha. need to start saving up for my return ticket, if i plan to come back here =) i know i have changed lol. but still really need to imporave on the studying part. ish. still getting distracted by wow n doing my normal nonsense. argh ! life is so hard when you are not controlled ! till next blog, probably a few dasy time i hope =) enjoy !
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