22nd - the sunday !

had supper at the sg hawker place again. this time with my dad's fren, francis. he says this hawker place is owned by the yesterday club's daughter. she came to baca acc. then decided dont wan dee. and run the food thing instead. well truned out pretty good ! =)
wakakak ! hello. the machine so big la. if i seperate, cannot full enuff. but i bantai all sekali la. nick was there to help me so ok. now i know how to do lioa. lol. 35m for washing - aud 3.00 , 60m for drying - aud 3.00, so total aud 6.00 for 3weeks of clothes. easy la !! weakakaka ! my life here getting easier lo. as i stay longer. eventually will better then last time life in PG. i know it -)
only the frens la slower to make up x(
anyways.. i kinda like my classes lo. supprisingly, i am feeling interested in my stydies. a very weird reaction la. i didnt expect that i will like as much, LOL. so today still no class. tuesday . now waiting for ben DA rat to makan. then see how la. but every non school night WOW + DL movies. so not too bad. the clubs here are crazy man ! lol ! enjoy !
So have you gone to any clubs yet ?
been to 1. wasnt that happening.
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