19th - office whole day !

i slept at 7am this morning ! yeah ! long night with WOW =) kekek. but that wasnt all. my cousin smsed me earlier that day. exchanged a few greeting. what a better supprise, she called me up! yay ! =) at about 5am, while i was in uldaman. we talked for a whole 2 minutes. porbably costed her a bit. heard her voice lo. felt so happy. anyway. i woke up with a calf pain. idk, is it serious ? it still hurst a little when i walk. woke up at 2pm. now its 6.15 pm. the rest is preparing to go home. me just chilling out waiting for joseph for dinner. well class is tomorrow. will sleep early. and a trip to the auction house after that =) well. things sure lokking better nowdays. thank you all !! how little, how much and for those who remembered ! =) it might turn out to be a pretty good life exp for me here after all, heh ! enjoy ! wakakka ! my best smile in picture ever !
is that mike long?
no thats toby the tupperware™ guy (tambler)
aahahah yes mogg ur smile is great in that 1 u do smile good but it`s odd to take photo`s wif u cuz u grin in em
why ar..??
because he's taking the pic with u. So simple.
dear Bloomingtree ,
Im NOT a vegetarian !!!
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