its 1 am and i am hung overed ! AV sucks now days >.< !!!

well today was a good day i guess. sorry to my loyal fans =) was busy playing wow and trying to do some homework.. but wow took over homework. anyhows. sunday + monday i will need to do homework. its due on wednesday. 2 papers , about 2000 words each. i spent the whoel morning looking for the jay chou - fearless theme song. mp3 or music video..those who have pls send me, or recomened what program u use. yeah. here its kinda hard to get a good p2p such as ares. :(
anyhows. at about 2 pm. a girl rang me up to go for lunch=) lol. it was victoria, the office receptionist. it seems.. she didnt wanted to eat alone. so the manager game the idea to call me. knowing how much i like to eat and how far i'll go to get a good meal. he recomended me . so good la i guess. victoria and 1 went round walking town. went to shanghai shop, but it was closed. then she said she would liek to eat laksa. so i took her to the sg hawker cafe. lol. kinda good laksa. quite close to taste back home in penang. yuummy. i had ban mee. she was like me with the mee goreng oppesite nets3 lol. she couldnt take the spiciness. lol. oh yeah the day was damn damn cold. and i was liek freezing la. she perli me la.. then now she cannot tahan spiciness. i perli her back la lol. fair what. thoughen up !! thats what i said. she snuk up and paid for the meals. and i told her i'll ge the next one, she say sure, why not :) we talked about lotsa stuff. traveling, food, penang, languages. etc. ok la. not bad la to get to know a new friend more. she planing to tour europe in june for 6 weeks. wah ! lucky la :) i recomended portugal la. of cos LOL. thats that. then i wowed in office until about 9pm . then amo came round. we went to have dinner. after that i wowed some more. then 10pm came. hit the club. HYDE. was a asian night/white t-shirt thingy. was soo sooo pack !!! omg. the dj was ok la. i mean i dont really know bout club music, had a few beers + my fav - JD coke :) now i am liek 3.4 drunkness. lol. lotsa booze and lotsa babes.. starting to reconsider clubbing >.<>.< iush ! take care, enjoy , have fun, GG guys ! for the horde !!!
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