WTF is up with the reptiles around my house ? WTF !

omg. another damn reptile came into my room uninvited. AGAIN ! this time. its a monitor lizard. damn, they stink! bad ! my trusty neighbour's dog was kinda biting it. then it decioded to run into my room. i was busy wowing. and the healer. to think the dificulty of jugling healing and trying to keep the monitor lizard in one place. it crept upto my TF cupboard. and guess what it decided to do ? guess... guess.... it farking decided to crap! damn it ! it shiated in my damn room !! then with help from my neighbour, we manage to chase it out. was then again into the mouth of my neighbour's dog =) it deserved it. but to no avail. was spared and thrown into the drain. so i spent like 1 of my wow hours to clean up it's shit! damn it. WTF is up with the reptiles ? are they all out to get me ?
and the cough , flu , nose block are clearing up. but i still have them. curses to all reptilian life near me ! CURSE YOU ALL !
The tree is got leaves that can collect water but if rain water come down and then stuck on the leaves the water won't reach the floor thus the ant cant drink the water so ant die to make more fetile of the land so the tree can grow more and kill more ants.
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